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February 28, 2009


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I'm with you on this. I pick up flowers each week when shopping for the house. Life is way to short not to have a little sunshine inside each day.

I love flowers as well. Especially fresh ones. At my grocery store they always have the most beautiful roses that I can't resist! The hyacinths are one of my favorites, they smell so good!

A girl after my own heart ~ I would spend my last bean on a bunch of fresh flowers. They brighten up a house even on the dullest of days. I too, love hyacinths at this time of year ~ the smell is intoxicating! Shades of white and cream in any flower have to be my favourite though! Your photos are just gorgeous!

We are so on the same page. My hubby isn't too good about bringing me home a surprise bunch, so I buy them myself. I ALWAYS have fresh flowers in the house (especially on my kitchen windowsill) I love fresh cut sweet peas from the garden as well as peonies. In April, an Aunt has three huge lilac trees which I go cut amazing flowers from. In the late summer there are alot of U-cut dahlia fields nearby where I can get dahlias in an assortment of colors for about twenty cents a stem. Love, love, love my flowers!

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