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December 06, 2008


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I love to collect these too and can't believe that you have soooo many! What a wonderful collection.
I also store lots of supplies in mind both for personal and shop use!
I will hopefully have some from Marilyn under my tree for Christmas! :0)
xo, Cerri

Oooh, what a lovely collection. Just beautiful.

So beautiful!

Wow, you have a lovely collection! Beautiful! Smiles and wishes... Heidi

I was lucky enough to go to Marilyn's studio, her hat boxes are so perfectly made, I just love them! Your collection is magnificent!

I am hunting vintage wallpaper boxes & saw you know someone who recovers them so they are not as expensive as the vintage ones.If she does it in vintage wallpaper,would you send a link to her place to look at them and maybe order from her or do you sell for her? Thanks so much.Carolyn

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