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« Target Tuesday: Shabby Roses Stocking | Main | Vintage Wallpaper Hat Boxes »

December 04, 2008


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How did I miss those, lol! I think the way you're keeping them is lovely.

That is definitely a great find! Can't believe there was not one broken!!
They're all so lovely.
~Cerri xo

You sure brought in a nice haul... well I sure know what I would be using them for, stop by my blog and you will see (:
Hugs, Diane

Great find! I am sure you were excited when they arrived at your door!

Oh boy I am jealous...I would love to dip my hand into that jar!!!!!

Just in case you wondering what to do with these gorgeous goodies, YOU CAN PACK THEM ALL UP AND SHIP THEM OFF TO ME!

Wow, what a find. YOU GO GIRL.

xo Cathy

i know exactly what you mean...i would have bought them too and thought about a use later, of course! what a treasure!

thanks for friending me on flickr, glad to "meet" you!

xo heidi

what a wonderful find!! Simply beautiful just as they are. xo Heather

OMGosh! I'm off to Ebay ;P

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