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« Vintage Wallpaper Hat Boxes | Main | So Very Charming »

December 09, 2008


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Hi! I have the same shower curtain rings in pink! I just love them, and I use mine for the shower. Your idea is very creative! :)

Those are gorgeous!! What a great idea!!

What a great idea! I love the Simply Shabby Chic line at Target. I just purchased a shower curtain that I adore.

Hi !! I never think to go into Target, but you have me wanting to run over and clear out the store :) I just love your blog and all of your creative talent :)

Where did those gorgeous plates come from?

I just love your target tuesdays !
Although like I said before I am a zillion miles away from one , so it sucks!lol
But I still love your ideas , just a teeny bit jealous :)

Hey there! I gave you an award over on my blog, stop by and check it out :o)

Happy Holidays!

I love this idea! Thanks!

beautiful! I love the china!

Absolutely beautiful! I love it all!

Oh gosh I want all of these!!! What fantastic choices. I am sure they will love them. If only I had napkins to use napkin rings with *sigh*

I got them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm revisiting this post because I saw this photo on someone's faves on flickr. What is the name of this gorgeous china pattern? It's amazing.

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