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November 17, 2008


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Going to go get some right now!!!

I am so with you on buying because of pretty packaging! I am dying to get some of the evian bottles for the holiday table! Thanks for the tip, I have not been to Target in a while!

I am most definitely going straight to Target to get some of those bottles..they are beautiful.. thanks for that.

Almost a year later, here I am- finally! Actually, it's Sept, but I am sitting here oohing, aahing and drooling over every one of your pages. This wonderful bottle captured my heart as well (no Target here- I'm in Montreal Canada) but the 5$ was too steep for water- even for me. So... I waited a loong time and got a couple at a great markdown of 1$. Yup! And at a grocery store, to boot. Patience has its rewards.
I'm delighted to have found your site and will continue to visit with you often.
Thank you for your wonderful inspirations!

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