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« Vintage Millinery Flower Samples | Main | Target Tuesday: Glittery Leaves »

November 08, 2008


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I´m also in love with vintage velvet leaves and millinery flowers and i collect them, but i havent so much sweet colors,really pretty!

wonderful collection! I also love your storage boxes

wonderful collection! I also love your storage boxes

Your blog really does have such pretty things! The millinery flowers I just adore so much! Also love the "M&M's" alternative. I can relate to the love of pretty aesthetics even towards something as trivial as candy ^_^

These are wonderful! The colors are TDF!

They are simply devine!
ever since arriving here in Okinawa Japan I have had my eye out for them , but alas unable to find such place here on the island who sells them....

I just discovered your blog - so gorgeous, what beautiful pictures! :) It's a pleasure to read, and has brightened up a grey Sunday afternoon.

Andrea xx

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