Oh my goodness, do I LOVE Emily Quinton's new book, Maker Spaces!!!

This beautiful and completely fascinating book takes you inside the homes, studios and work spaces of a number of today's very talented and creative "makers".

Like Emily, I have always been intrigued by the ways in which people incorporate their creativity into their everyday lives and homes. Maker Spaces gives the reader an up-close and personal look into the lives of people who have truly melded their creative talents with their work and living environments.

In addition to showing us lots of lovely spaces (gorgeous photographs by Helen Cathcart), Emily also shares each makers' personal story - delving into how they discovered their careers, found their homes, and transformed their spaces to reflect their creative needs.

I especially loved seeing how the different makers designed their craft and work spaces to fit their own unique needs...how they designed them, furnished them, and organized them.

The book also showcases a variety of design styles - from rustic and floral (my fav!) to eclectic and colorful. It's such fun to see so many pretty, yet very different spaces - each such a true reflection of the maker who inhabits it.

A consistent message throughout the book is that each maker clearly values the importance of surrounding one's self with the things that inspire them and feed their creativity - the things that give them joy.

As a creative person myself, this really resonated with me. My home and work spaces are filled with the things that I love and that make me happy just to look at them. My collections, flowers and pastel colors are everywhere! For example, here's a peek at what my desk top currently looks like...

Yes, it's filled with the practical and the utilitarian (staplers, tapes, etc...), but it is also a reflection of all that inspires me...like pretty vintage tins and tiny millinery flowers. So, whether I am paying bills, editing photos, or designing a new floral fabric, I am surrounded by the things that make me smile. :-)
All Images are taken from Maker Spaces by Emily Quinton, photography by Helen Cathcart, published by Ryland Peters & Small rrp £19.99. You can find a copy of your very own right here and here!
Happy reading!